Breast Cancer Facts & Statistics

  • Every 3 minutes, a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer.

  • Every 13 minutes a woman in the United States dies from breast cancer.

  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12%) of women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime.

  • Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women, after lung cancer.

  • Breast cancer accounts for nearly 1 in every 4 cancers diagnosed in US women.

  • Breast cancer risk increases with age and every woman is at risk. During 2002-2006, woman aged 20-24 had the lowest incidence rate, 1.4 cases per 100,000 women. Women aged 75-79 had the highest incidence rat, 441.9 per 100,000 women.

  • Having a first degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) with breast cancer can double a woman’s risk.

  • Less than 15% of women with breast cancer have a family history of the disease.

  • African American women have a higher rate of death from breast cancer than any other race.

  • About 42,690 women died from breast cancer in 2020 in the United States, including 950 from Tennessee.

  • In 2020, about 5,760 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed.

  • You are never too young to develop breast cancer!! Breast self-exams should begin by age 20. Women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam as part of a periodic health exam by a health professional, at least every 3 years. Women between the ages of 40 and 45 may choose to have a yearly mammogram. Women who are 45 to 54 years of age should have a breast exam by a health professional once a year, but may switch to every other year at age 55. Screening should continue as long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live 10 more years or longer.

** Facts and statistics are courtesy of the American Cancer Society**